Human Resources for Health (HRH)

Date of establishment: 20 September 2011

Purpose: To exchange information and discussing among TWG members to support MOH in reviewing and implementing policies on HRH management, training and development and to recommend priorities for HRH strategies and plans.


• To support MOH to review all related policies on HRH management and training.

• To support and advise MOH to formulate, disseminate and  implement the HRH policies within country

• To support MOH to strengthen health workforce governance

• To share, and discuss HRH related problems, recommend priority actions required for HRH

• Coordinate and share information on HRH related activities

Structure: The TWG is co-chaired by the Department of Organization and Manpower (DOM, in charge of HRH management and usage) and the Administration of Science, Technology and Training (ASTT, in charge of HRH training) and has a Secretariat based in DOM to carry out logistical duties for the TWG.

Meeting frequency: In its early stage, the TWG met once a quarter, but then there was no update in meeting contents leading to infrequent meetings, so it was decided that they would meet upon demand.

Contribution: To date, the HRH TWG has contributed to the development of the National Strategy on Protecting, Caring and Improving Public Health 2011-2020 and the development of the National Five-year Health Plan 2011-2015 and the Human Resources for Health Strategy. The TWG has received strong support from DOM & ASTT leaders and DPs as the topic is of high interest of MOH and DPs, but this seems not to have been reflected in practice.

Relevant documents:

• HRH Meeting minutes/ Reports