Local Health Systems

Date of establishment: 2011

Purpose: To support the development and implementation of policies and strategies of the Government of Vietnam to strengthen and develop the local health area and to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of development assistance to sub- sector from relevant partners in Viet Nam.

Objectives: It commits to support i) The Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy; ii) The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); Social and Economic Development Strategy 2011-2020; iii) The National Health Strategy (2011-2020) and Five Year Health Plan (2011-2015); iii) Action plan 2008-2013 on global strategy in Non-communicable diseases prevention and control; vi) The National Strategy on preventive medicine 2010 and vision 2020.

Structure: This TWG is chaired by the Administration of Medical Service Management and participated by the Administration of Preventive Medicine and a Secretariat to carry out logistical duties for the TWG. It receives no funding for operation.

Meeting frequency: Since establishment, the TWG has only one meeting only, but it communicates and shares information among members via phone and email.

Contribution: The TWG on Local Health Systems has contributed to the development of the National Strategy on protecting, caring and improving public health 2011-2020 and also contributed to the development of the five-year NHSP.

Relevant documents:

• LHS Meeting minutes/ Reports